Roundup of My Live Tweets From Google’s Nexus One Q&A Session

Google introduced HTC’s Nexus One phone today. After the demo a Q&A session was held, beginning around 10:50 am Pacific Time. Below, in reverse chronological order, is the “live” Tweet stream I published as I watched the session:

treestman Q&A: The session is over. They’re all breaking for lunch. And as I sit at home I think I’ll do the same. 🙂 #google #nexusone

treestman Q&A: #Google said they wouldn’t do a phone, what happened? No, we said we wouldn’t BUILD a phone, this is a partnership. #nexusone

treestman Q&A: Will #Google voice still port to #iPhone, or keep it to #Android? We don’t intend to keep things exclusive.

treestman Q&A: #Google confirms #NexusOne coming to #Verizon soon.

treestman Q&A: How to deal w/ different #Android versions? Some existing models will have a chance to get 2.1; working on it.

treestman Q&A: Will #NexusOne cannibalize #Droid sales? Without answering, said that Droid will be updated.

treestman Q&A: Compare super-phone and smartphone? Evolution of the platform, and “openness”. Ha! We’re “open”, we need a new name!

treestman Q&A: #NexusOne will it support multi-touch in #Google maps in US? They dodged a lot, and finally said we’ll consider it.

treestman Q&A: Are hardware keyboards dead? Different people want different things, it’s about “choice”. No courage of their convictions. #nexusone

treestman Q&A: Empty chair is for #Motorola Co-CEO, who’s stuck in traffic. Ha!

treestman Q&A: Given #ATT issues, can #TMobile & others handle the data? The answer was about “choice” (in short, they have no idea and don’t care).

treestman Q&A: Will #NexusOne support tethering? We’re looking into it (in other words, no).

treestman Q&A: Clarify revenue opportunity for #Google w/ #NexusOne? Obviously, it’s ads. Not trying to get margin on units.

treestman Q&A: If #NexusOne is all about choice, why choose it for $530 over a $99 #iPhone? Well, that’s a choice. Um, dumb answer, guys.

treestman Q&A: Why did #Google design phone? They didn’t, #HTC did. Will #Android 2.1 come to #Droid? Yes.

treestman Q&A: Will #Google carry #NexusOne inventory? They dodged, but the answer is “no”, you’re getting the phone from #HTC.

treestman Q&A: Is #NexusOne an #iPhone killer? It’s a “super-phone” and it’s all about choice. They didn’t really answer.

treestman 1st question in #NexusOne Q&A is if the constrained app storage still exists in #Android 2.1. They danced, but the answer is “yes”.

Posted via email from The Small Wave.

A Desperate Verizon To Men: You’re An Absolute Candy-Ass If You Don’t Buy A Droid.

The macho image in advertising is pretty heavily used for truck commercials, and maybe power tools. They’re low in how functional the product actually is, and high in how much of a he-man you’ll look like using it.

Now I guess the macho image applies to smartphones as well (sorry, “robot phones”). After all, what man looking to overcome his inadequacies wouldn’t be drawn to these:

  • Crush a rock
  • Punch a hole through a steel wall
  • Run apps with axle-greased ease

There’s more, but be warned only Neanderthals need apply.

Male or female, the first thing I look for is a mind at work. I can only hope no more men will be swayed by this crap than women are swayed because a product is pink, or has a mirror. This kind of “macho” advertising makes me ashamed of my gender.

Posted via web from The Small Wave.