Microsoft Mobile Still Can’t Fit Text To Screen


Some interesting detail from Engadget on early WP7 units. I see Microsoft’s still lopping off the “e”. You’d think after a year this would be fixed by now.

Now don’t get all bent out of shape. Honesty, it seems too early to judge WP7 because it’s not ready for prime time—opinions are all over the map. I just thought I’d point this Zune-ism out for some fun.

2 thoughts on “Microsoft Mobile Still Can’t Fit Text To Screen

  1. Matt,Yeah, I know. It’s more obvious in areas with larger words like the Marketplace. I’m not sure if I’d like the left-right scrolling for some things until I use it in practice, but I know I don’t like the cut-off text to indicate “more”.

  2. I am sure you know this, but the letters bleeding over to the next screen is meant to imply “more this way”. It’s a design that, frankly, I hate. Microsoft is thoroughly out of touch with the smart phone market.

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